Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Final blog

1. Question
I choose the question that asks do human beings have a natural tendency to good, a natural tendency to evil, or some combination of tendencies. A natural tendency to good means a good action or behavior. A natural to evil I would consider as negatives thought.
Tendency to good and evil are related to the ethic because both words are considering right or wrong of people action.
2) Conceptual Clarifications
People are naturally tendency to good and to evil, however since being good gives certain social advantages and imperatives it has transcended into our cultures as evolutionary imperative. In other words, people just care about themselves and their friends and family because its beneficial to them in the long run and are naturally cruel creatures as much as any other natural predator is.
(3) Answer:
A natural tendency to good and to evil are some how accurse in people mind any time in daily basis. I think that people are born neither good nor bad, but simply are. From birth, anybody (as in humanity) is generally self serving. A child throws a fit if he cannot get what he wants, until he is taught other wise. In any situation, unless you have learned or been taught a belief differently, you will be completely self serving. It is the natural order to look after your self. In order for this not to happen, something stronger has to take over that sense of self first. Love is one of those things that does this. The love of another human, the love of a child, even the love of a pet will cause you to do things decidedly against your built in nature to look after yourself first. That is why the Bible says to love others as you love yourself, because you love yourself very much. Even if you don't think you do, you are not looking at your life very well. If you feed yourself when your hungry, if you sleep when you tired, if you wash when your dirty, then you love yourself. That is why you do things that are self serving, not because you are bad, but because you look after yourself first, you will do anything to satisfy your own needs and desires unless taught differently.
(4) Example:
If raised in society, and presence of other humans, you would have the influence of society. There is no need to kill in order to survive in the present time. Then, I think, if everybody has the influence of both instincts and society, it is truly his or her choice which path to follow. One may be born with a tendency toward either good or bad, but no one is born with a predetermined path, in my opinion. I also think that in birth, you are always born 'bad', but with the influences coming later on, from around you, you may decide if to stay that way, or improve.
(5) Word Count:
Words count 450
(7) References:
Ruggiero. (2008). Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues. McGraw Hill.
Charles. (1997).The Good and Evil of Humans. New York: Broadway Books

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Assignment #10

Ethical Decision Making Framework
NAME: Linda Hak


(1) Choose one inquiry, from inquiries 1 - 28 (pages 114 - 117). Indicate which inquiry you chose, and then briefly explain it in your own words:

I choose inquiry number 11. Tom receives a gift from his parents for his birthday which is a new toy and expensive. They expect him to take good care of it, but he is not. Tome gives that toy to poor boy because he feel sorry for him that he never has a toy before.

(2) Stakeholders: Name each person, group, organization, etc., that has a stake in this outcome.

Tome, Tom parents, and poor boy.

(3) Are the details given sufficient? Why or why not?

Yes, all the details is sufficient because that inquiry gives stakeholders and details about Tome, his parents and poor boy.

(4) What additional questions does this inquiry raise?

When Tom parents are asking him, should he tell them the truth or not.

*Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Courage
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Beneficence:
* Conflicting ideals--consider the relative importance of each; determine which ideal represents the greater good (or the lesser evil).

Ideals in conflict of the inquiry that I choose it considered as virtue of beneficence and courage because Tome is generous person and kind to other people. Tom gives his special gift from his parents to poor boy that he would be thrilled to have such a toy. He dose not worry about his parent will punish him. I would consider this situation as the greater good. After he gave a toy to poor boy, he was probably feel grateful to what he has done.

Alternative #1: he donates his a new toy without regret.
Alternative #2: Probably, he gained gratitude from the boy somehow.
Alternative #3: he considered him-self as courage person.


Examine the action taken or proposed and decide whether it achieves the greater good (the most widespread "respect for persons")...if it does not, choose one that will, from
your alternatives. Where the choice of actions is such that no good can be achieved, choose the action that will result in the lesser evil.

I choose alternative number 2 and from chapter 9 on page 109. After Tome gave him a toy, poor boy will appreciate Tom kindness. Poor boy will respect his gratitude feeling that Tom has in his heart. The action will achieve the greater good because Tom has filled poor boy need.


1. In your own words, describe something new that you learned from this week’s assigned reading material and guidance.

After I read material in the book, I understood each word that list under the phrase important moral ideals. I was slightly understand about ideals versus obligations.

2. In your own words, describe in detail some insight you gained, about the material, from one of your classmates' blogs this week. Name the blog, and insert answer here.

For this assignment I chose to review JHH blog. I chose his blog because it was only one of three available to choose. After reviewing his blog, I gained some insight into what kind of additional questions should be asked in step two. Additionally, I had not considered loving kindness as an ideal that could be associated with this case.

3. Did you post a thoroughly completed post to your blog on time this week?

Yes, I did post a thoroughly completed post to my blog on time this week.

4. Did you ALSO print this out, so you can bring it to class and earn total points?

Yes, I did print this out and bring it to the class on Thursday.

5. Of 25 points total, my efforts this week deserve: Insert your JUSTIFIED answer here.

I think I receive the point between 23-24 because I’m not sure that I answer to all those question all correct.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Assignment 9

Unwarranted assumptions: Assumptions are ideas that are taken for granted rather than consciously reasoned out. When we take for granted a claim that is unjustified by our experience or the situation, the assumption is unwarranted. Because assumptions are seldom expressed directly, the only way to identify them is to “read between the lines” for what is implied. For example, when you head out the door to meet friends at a movie theater, you don’t wonder whether your car will start, movie will be the one advertised , and your friends will honor their commitment.

Hasty conclusion: A hasty conclusion is a premature judgment that is made without sufficient evidence. To avoid drawing a hasty conclusion, we should identify all possible conclusions. Then we must decide which conclusion is best supported by the evidence.

Oversimplification: Oversimplification goes beyond making complex ideas easier to grasp; it twists and distorts ideas and facts in an attempt to mislead people. To avoid this error, we must refuse to adopt superficial views and make a special effort to understand the issues in their complexity.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Assignment #6


QUESTION #1: If an action that is praised in, one culture may be condemned in another, wouldit be correct to say that all moral values are relative to the culture they are found in.

If an action that is praised in, one culture may be condemned in another, it is correct to say that all moral values are relative to the culture they are found in. In this case, I would say that is praised in one culture may not be condemned in another. According to the textbook is mentioned about multiculturalism that every race or ethic group has its own values and characteristic behaviors, that no group’s values are better or worse than any other’s, and criticism of another culture’s ideas and actions is depending on their a moral choice. All moral values are relative to the culture they are found in because culture encompasses the set of beliefs, moral values, traditions, language, and laws (or rules of behavior) held in common by a nation, a community, or other defined group of people. Culturally determined characteristics include the language spoken at home, religious observances, customs (including marriage customs that often accompany religious and other beliefs), acceptable gender roles and occupations, dietary practices, intellectual, artistic, and leisure-time pursuits, and other aspects of behavior. For an example, in the United States is nations with large immigrant populations, there is a wide range of cultural diversity, religious beliefs, customs, and values, reflecting the scattered origins of the people. The "melting-pot" concept of nationality reduces this diversity with successive generations, but considerable variation remains—distinguishing rural from urban, African American from European, East Asian from South Asian, and religious believers from secularists.


P: all moral values are related to differences among culture.
P: Culture has differences aspect of a moral value.
C: Therefore, it is not correct to say that all moral values are relative to the culture they are found in.

QUESTION #2: Isn’t it a mark of ignorance to pass judgments on other cultures or to claim that one culture is better than another?

It is not a mark of ignorance to pass judgment on other cultures or to claim that one culture is better than another. Before we make a judgment on another, we have to understand the context in which it occurred. We have of determining which customs, codes, beliefs, values, and behaviors are wise and which are foolish is to examine them carefully and judgment them honestly and fairly. Sometime making a judgment of other culture is never appropriate because in some cases the necessity of making moral judgments about other cultures and subcultures is not pass acknowledge. Every cultures or our own culture have in some mystical way to get away the effects of human fallibility does a disservice to the subject of ethics and to the men and women in every culture who have striven for moral excellence.

P: we cannot make a judgment to another culture base on their affair

P: sometime one must pass a judgment on another culture be able to understand their system.
C: Therefore it is NOT a mark of ignorance to pass on other cultures.

See page 63 in our text. Choose one inquiry, from inquiries 3 – 11. Briefly describe the inquiry as the first part of your answer, so your readers know which one you chose. Discuss whether or not the action / decision in each case is ethical. And then, put your argument in equation form. Try to include an ethical principle as one of your premises, as modeled below...
I chose inquiry three and the paragraph describes about Chinese woman have birth to a daughter rather than a son. Her husband wants a son to maintain family line. Later he punished her by withholding money and hitting her without provocation. He divorced her and he moved them to live in apartment. When his daughter sick, he left her to die. Her husband is not ethical person because he dose not understand that his wife is not god. She cannot tell him in advance that unborn child is a son. He has to understand that he cannot against mother nature. Whatever the god give to him, he has to accept it.

Arguable: whether or not Hua husband decision is a morally acceptable.
P: he decision is not ethical principle.
P: his culture value is so ancient and strong. (moral principle is base on human life).


C: Therefore Hua husband decision is not a morally acceptable.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Assignment #5

After I read article about making a good moral choice, I believe everyone makes judgments, whether or not consider as concience. People make judgments based on how they look, how they dress, how they act. We all do it. When we lock our doors while driving through a neighborhood, when we quicken our pace when we see someone approaching, when we grab our kids hands in the mall to make sure they are safe. We judge our friends & their choices, even when you try not to take sides, you judge in your mind. If someone killed your best friend, you would judge him or her, if you did not; you would be lying to yourself. You would not be able to say, I cannot judge the moral choices of someone else, and you would judge them very wrong. So it can be useful & helpful, sometimes we judge before we know all the facts, but we are usually trying to protect ourselves, and that cannot be a bad thing. The only problem is that a Christian will judge by actions and morals and complete it with "you will go to hell". My actions of being pagan may go against your belief, and you judge me on it and tell me "you will go to hell" simply is NOT your place. I think its best to say that we can have opinions on others actions and morals...but we cannot judge. This resource relates to our text because it was explain a specific point about moral choice. A moral choice is making a choice based on your morals, or, more globally, "doing the right thing" even if you might make more money or be more popular by choosing the less moral path.

4. In a separate paragraph, tell me how many points you believe your efforts deserve--in argument form! For example:
Arguable issue: whether or not this post deserves points...if yes, how many?
Conclusion: this post deserves 25 points
Premises: this post deserves 25 points because:
1. I found a good resource that it related to the rule of a moral choice in the textbook.
2. It explains the relevance of an article to the chapter in our text.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Assignment #4 Apply Ethic

1. Paragraph: explain in your own words what the relationship is between laws and ethics.
Law is backed by the power of the state to compel, to punish and coerce compensation of loss. Ethics are principles of conduct which cultures generally agree upon ... there is no state coercion involved if you don't behave in accordance with the standards. Laws are to maintain an order in society, and are not always based on ethics. You will find throughout life that one's personal ethics are either in conflict with, or are set at a standard above, the "laws" of the land. This is not unusual at all. The motivating force behind our agreement to follow the law is our understanding and assent to the concept that those we empower to enforce, execute and administrate the law will do so in a manner that is true and honest and unemotional in its delivery in an ethical fashion. Without an ethical delivery the law becomes a weapon and tool for deceit and treachery toward the very society the law was designed to protect and enhance.

2. Paragraph & Link: Find one online resources related to this topic—not Wikipedia.Explain in a brief paragraph what you learned about this topic through the resource you found; include the link at the end of your paragraph.
After I read an article about the law versus ethics in management, I understood clearly that there is a relationship between law and ethics. This relationship is important in management. Managers must evaluate not only what is legal, but what they are, their employees, and society consider ethical as well. Important here is that companies must also consider what behaviors their customers will and will not accept. No company wants to be forced to defend itself over ethical issues involving wages, the environment, working issues, or human relations. Managers play a vital role in a company's legal and ethical performance. It is in part their responsibility to ensure that their employees are abiding by Federal, State, and Local laws, as well as any ethical codes established at the company. But most importantly, the managers must provide a positive example to their employees of proper behavior in light of laws and ethical codes. Certainly, policies and procedures will never be developed to satisfy everyone, but the establishment of Codes of Ethics will at least provide a framework for ethical behavior, and allow customers to evaluate the type of company with whom they are doing business. With this knowledge, employees and customers must decide whether or not they are willing and able to conform to these Codes, as well as to the laws that have been enacted. Managers cannot simply limit their decisions to following the law. They must also consider the ethics of their employees and customers, M. Anstead).

3. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:
Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not we need ethics, given that we already have laws.
Conclusion: we need ethics, if we already have laws.
Premises: we need ethics, if we already have laws because
(1) the laws is not possible without ethics
(2) We need ethics to support laws because laws is always follow by ethical society.
(3) Ethics is focus in moral situation, although laws provide our sufficient protection of our right.

The week 4 readings cover two chapters in the Ruggiero book, The Role of the Majority View, and the Role of Feelings. Each student must complete BOTH of the following assignments.The Role of the Majority View1. Paragraph: Explain in your own words what a Majority View is. Cite your sources.
According to the paragraph four on page 22, the role of the majority view is a large group or individual try to compare their thinking to the particular issues. A majority view has three classifies like a sample situation, the majority can err and sample response to inquiries. A sample situation might work in differences in an actual moral issues, but it is depending on response inquiries that people have an issues. The majority can err means the majority view is less than perfect. For example, if 1 percent or 49 percent of the population can be shallow or prejudiced in their of an issues. A sample response to inquiries depending on the people response that might help everybody to understand the kind of analysis and the form of response that are appropriate for the inquiries that follow.

2. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:Arguable Issue:
The arguable issue is whether or not the Majority View is a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
Conclusion: the majority view is a reliable basis for ethical decision making.
Premises: the majority view is a reliable basis for ethical decision making because:
(1) the majority view is depending on ethical decision making that people think what is right or wrong.
(2) sometime the majority view don’t have to reliable to ethical decision because the majority view is a reliable to moral situation.
(3) the majority view is base on a particular issue.

The Role of Feelings1. Paragraph: Explain in your own words what feelings are. Cite your sources.
Feelings are a reason that no one person’s view is preferable to another’s because each is good in its own way. A person think to be right is right for that person if a person believes to be wrong is wrong for that person. This statement is in paragraph one on page 29. The role of feelings classifies in five categories such as how feeling came to be emphasized, are feeling reliable?, a better guide is needed, sample response to inquiries and inquiries. Each one of them is develop in differences of moral relativism and largely responsible of its emphasis on feelings rather than reasoned judgment.

2. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:Arguable Issue:

The arguable issue is whether or not our feelings are a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
Conclusion: our feelings are not a reliable basis for ethical decision making
Premises: our feelings are not a reliable basis for ethical decision making because:
(1) every people have different feeling and opinion.
(2) we live in a moral ethical society, so feeling is base on individual decision.
(3) feelings are a reliable to the individual issue and moral.

The ability to express yourself in your own words is essential in this class. Did you put everything in your own words this time?
The ability to express in my own words helped me to improve my writing skill and challenging my knowledge.

What was easiest / hardest about this assignment?
To explain the role of feelings were easiest assignment, but to explain the relationship between laws and ethics were hardest one for me.

How will you apply what you learned through this assignment to your everyday life?
The roles of feelings are apply to my everyday life because I understood that feeling is not preferable to another, but it applies toward a particular person.

How well do you think you did on this assignment? Explain.
I should deserve 25 points because I put all my afford to this assignment.
I took my time to read the book and complete this assignment.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blog Assignment #3

1. Explain what “to give an argument” means in this book.
According in this book “to given an argument” means to offer a set of reasons or evidence in support of a conclusion (page XI paragraph two). This means an argument is state a difference in opinion and fact to support premise and a conclusion. An argument can justify in a difference point of view and many reasons.

2. What are the reasons Weston gives in support of his claim, “arguments are essential”
Weston gives in support of his claim, “arguments are essential” because he has found that people just need a list of reminders instant of lengthy introductory explanation. His reason that an arguments are essential because he tries to find out which views are better than others. He think that not all an argument is equal.

3. Explain why many students tend to “write an essay, but not an argument”.
In his book, Weston argues that many students tend to write an essay, but not an argument because of the way in which they had learned to inform in high school. Basically, high school students are expected to argue by using only a fact and record evidence. That a reason many students to write papers are full of fact an argument, but sometimes on their own reason for that argument.

4. Construct two short arguments (one "for" and one "against") as modeled in the Week 3 Assignment section in Blackboard. Put each one in "elements form".Against

Against argument
Arguable issue: whether or not students should attending college.
Conclusion: students should attending college
Premises: students should attending college because
1. They get better pay on the job
2. They want to improve social skill

For argument
Arguable issue: whether or not students should attending college.
Conclusion: students decide not attending college.
Premises: students decide not attending college.
1. They can find a job without college degree.
2. Every student has different ability intelligence.

5. Review the seven rules in chapter one. Briefly discuss how your argument demonstrates that each rule was applied, in the construction of your arguments above
When I was constructing my argument, I had to make sure that I did it the right way and followed instruction. My premises and conclusion were clearly distinguish. Premises and conclusion were concrete and concise and both elements were state clearly to understand and focus on the topic. Since the instruction for the argument state that I should present my argument in the elements form, my argument was expressed in natural in an order formatting allowed. According to the rule number five in this book is telling us to avoid loaded language, so my argument was not expressed emotionally loaded word. I think an argument that I was mentioning on the above it applied to the rule number seven which was stick to one meaning for each term. If I have to write an argument paragraph, I have always start with premise and then conclusion.

6. Review the three rules in the appendix named, “Definitions”. In your own words, discuss how you took these rules into consideration as you constructed your arguments.
After I read appendix definition on page 79, I found that my premises and conclusion were clearly understand and state specified point on the topic. I was not sure that the terms I used in my argument was clear and specific to the point, but some terms I used in my argument consisted to each other. I was able satisfied to the rule number three because I did include supporting detail in my argument.

7. Good posts demonstrate:
Sincere reflection, effort, and analysis

Answers that are substantial (at least one large paragraph each
Consistent mention, citation, and integration of the assigned readings
Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Correctly titled posts
How many points do you honestly feel your post this week deserves? Justify your answer.

I would say that I should receive 24-25 points because I am not sure that my answers to the questions were all correct and I might have some grammar, punctuation errors in my sentences.