Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Assignment 9

Unwarranted assumptions: Assumptions are ideas that are taken for granted rather than consciously reasoned out. When we take for granted a claim that is unjustified by our experience or the situation, the assumption is unwarranted. Because assumptions are seldom expressed directly, the only way to identify them is to “read between the lines” for what is implied. For example, when you head out the door to meet friends at a movie theater, you don’t wonder whether your car will start, movie will be the one advertised , and your friends will honor their commitment.

Hasty conclusion: A hasty conclusion is a premature judgment that is made without sufficient evidence. To avoid drawing a hasty conclusion, we should identify all possible conclusions. Then we must decide which conclusion is best supported by the evidence.

Oversimplification: Oversimplification goes beyond making complex ideas easier to grasp; it twists and distorts ideas and facts in an attempt to mislead people. To avoid this error, we must refuse to adopt superficial views and make a special effort to understand the issues in their complexity.

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